Parental Role In Caring For Their Autistic Child
ASD or autism spectrum disorder is a brain-related condition wherein a child finds it difficult to communicate and socially interact with others. An autistic child may also exhibit repetitive behavioral patterns and several other symptoms and challenges.
In the study and research conducted by National Center for Biotechnology Information, it was revealed that autism spectrum disorder symptoms are more prevalent in males than females. Autism, being a spectrum disorder, has many sub-types. An autistic child is generally put under the diagnostic care of pediatric neurologists, child clinical psychologists, child psychiatrists, or speech therapists. Some children affected by autism require a lot of care, support, and help from their parents and peers.
Let us explore the six ways parents may adopt to help their autistic child:
Creating a planned and structured routine – Kids with autism symptoms grow on familiar grounds and cannot cope up with unplanned events. So, creating a careful schedule that includes study time, meal time breaks, and physical activity sessions is a must. You can involve the child while making a special time table so that they feel happy and in control of their daily routine.
Making them interact with other kids – Lack of normal social interaction during school hours or play hours can have a negative effect on the child's development. Although autistic children shy away from social interaction, parents should help them socialize with other kids of their age group. Taking them to public parks for playtime or using the online platform to connect with their friends can be helpful.
Support network and team approach – A team approach can be a much better way to take care of autistic children. Parents need to keep in regular touch with the child's therapist, doctors, teachers, friends, and other aides. This can reduce the social anxiety of the child and he may feel that everyone is part of an extended family. Friends can also teach him simple interaction skills and tips for easy dressing.
Limiting screen usage – It is a digital world and children, like everyone may get influenced and spend many hours on the internet. However, it may not board well with an autistic child and cause additional problems including insomnia, increased hyperactivity, and general irritability. Therefore, limiting the screen time to study-related activities can be the best solution.
Explore virtual therapies – For the best autism treatment in Dubai, medical specialists such as speech therapists and behavior therapists have been providing virtual sessions. You can get involved in these training programs for both parents and children dealing with autism. Depending on the severity of the condition, the virtual programs are planned and executed for maximum beneficial results. A child with severe autistic symptoms may also need physical therapy sessions to improve his life skills.
Care for parents – Parents dealing with autistic children may feel burdened and stressed. They have to manage work, home, and special needs of their autistic children. As caregivers, they have to supervise the children and multitask. Such parents can participate in group activities and motivate themselves to boost their energy levels. Autism treatment in Dubai can involve parents-related activities to guide them. Motivating parents to take care of their health, do exercises, indulge in some me-time, and get plenty of rest.
You can research online to get a list of autism centers in Dubai. It is very important that an autistic child gets a chance at early intervention and care to improve his learning abilities and communication skills. You can visitreputed specialists for the most accurate diagnostic care and treatment at well-established centers such as the Dubai Autism Center.
According to autism statistics in the UAE, studies and research showed that almost 85% of the cases included males, and only 51% of the cases involved females. While 30% of the total cases were linked with UAE nationals and 69% autistic cases were related to expatriates.
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