
Pregnant & Dealing with COVID-19 Pandemic

Posted on Healthcare By DoctorUna - Published on 2020-07-23

In these uncertain times, pregnant women all over the world have become warriors who are desperate to protect themselves and their unborn against the novel coronavirus. The deadly virus can spread rapidly and exhibits a complete spectrum of symptoms, leaving the medical global fraternity baffled! Doctors also have to deal with the pressure of mounting positive COVID-19 cases. 

Gynecologists and medical experts in Dubai are keen to figure out the actual impact of coronavirus on pregnant women and their fetuses. The UAE has reported 56,992 cases with 339 deaths (as of July 20th, 2020). 

Some New Facts on Coronavirus:

  • Some facts have surfaced that confirm the fact that the virus can survive hot or humid conditions
  • The puzzling symptoms now also include loss of taste and smell, diarrhea, and vomiting. 
  • Similarly, the influence of the viral infection on a pregnant woman and her fetus is quite unknown. 
  • The latest research reports from WHO and other international health organizations suggest that the virus is absent in the amniotic fluid, which surrounds the fetus. 
  • The COVID virus cannot be traced in the breast milk. A coronavirus infected mother cannot pass the infection to her baby through breast milk, 
  • A new mother should maintain social distancing from her newborn for at least a month.
  • Researchers cannot say for sure that pregnant women are at a greater risk of being infected with the virus
  • The present statistics do not indicate any high-growth of cases in pregnant females 
  • Royal College in the UK has now reported that infected pregnant women are giving birth to premature babies. 

How should pregnant women avoid being infected by COVID-19?

  • Staying away from people or crowds 
  • Practicing social distancing 
  • Regular hand washing of hands 
  • Avoiding people who have coronavirus symptoms 
  • Working from home 
  • Avoiding junk food
  • Eating a nutritious diet to boost immunity 
  • Taking vitamin D and vitamin C supplements 
  • Not being stressed or anxious 
  • Consulting the gynecologist periodically through off-line or online appointments
  • Avoiding public transport vehicles 
  • Say no to get together occasions such as baby showers 
  • Disinfecting the house and common surfaces 

What should expectant mothers do if they contract coronavirus?

If an expectant mother exhibits flu-like symptoms, she should be taken to a gynecologist or a specialist immediately. The doctor consultation can also be done online to reduce the risk of catching the virus. However, if the test is positive, the doctor is the only person who can offer the best guidance under the circumstances. Depending upon the severity of the case (asymptomatic, mild, or severe), the doctor may give medications and suggest home quarantine or hospital stay. If the pregnant woman is in her last third-trimester stage, gynecologists may advise for postponing the delivery (if possible) till the time the patient recovers from the infection. 

A recovered pregnant patient living in Abu Dhabi states that she had a roller coaster experience. Once she tested positive, she was always in touch with her doctor via online video calls, and all the while she felt feverish and tired. However, her baby inside the womb was doing well and after ten days of home quarantine and ample bed rest, she started feeling better. During the treatment, she was kept in a diet of fruits and hot vegetable broths. She also monitored her oxygen level and the baby's heartbeats. After 15 days of confinement, she tested negative. While it was a scary ride, the recovered patient advises others to always adhere to the doctor's advice and do what feels best for the unborn baby. 

Research Evidence 

A detailed study of 9 pregnant women already infected with coronavirus and related symptoms showed that the unborn babies were thankfully not affected by the fast-spreading virus. The COVID-19 virus was not found in the breast milk, in the amniotic fluid sac, or the babies' throats. Another research study conducted on 38 infected new mothers showcased the fact that not a single newborn got tested positive for the contagious disease. 

It is common knowledge that there is no known medical cure or vaccine for the novel coronavirus to date, so naturally, prevention is the primary key for pregnant women to help them reduce the risk of being infected with COVID-19. 


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DoctorUna.com launched in the United Arab Emirates in 2012, Egypt and Jordan in 2013 and recently in Kuwait in 2014. The purpose of DoctorUna is to allow patients to quickly search for doctors from across a broad range of specialties, compare them and easily book a convenient appointment. DoctorUna gives doctors access to a larger pool of patients, streamlines and better manages their appointment booking process so they can spend more time caring for patients.

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